North Intertribal Vocational Rehab Program (NIVRP)
Updated 7/8/2022
"Assisting Native Americans whose disabilities result in barriers to find employment,
succeed at work and live independently in their Tribal communities."
Welcome to the North Intertribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program (NIVRP) website. This service is hosted by the Stillaguamish Tribe and serves the Nooksack, Sauk-Suiattle, Stillaguamish, Swinomish, Tulalip and Upper Skagit Tribes in Skagit, Snohomish and Whatcom counties.
About Us
The North Intertribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program (NIVRP) has been serving the Nooksack, Sauk-Suiattle, Stillaguamish, Swinomish, Tulalip and Upper Skagit communities for since 1997.
NIVRP staff can help you:
- Evaluate your disability,
- Help you to choose an employment goal which best suits your abilities and interests.
- Once you have chosen an employment goal, we can help you:
Identify the barriers to your successful employment
Assist you to determine the steps needed to reach your employment goal. Help coordinate the services needed to obtain successful employment.
NIVRP services can include the following:
- Cultural
- Disability Evaluation and Assessment
- Vocational Exploration
- Goal Setting
- Vocational Training
- Education Assistance
- Medical Referral
- Job Search Assistance
- Transportation Assistance
- Coordination with other programs and agencies
- Assistive Devices
- Mental Health Counseling
- Advocacy
- Transitions from High School
Eligibility Criteria
- Enrolled in a Federally Recognized Tribe; and
- Age 16 and older; and
- Living in the NIVRP service area (Skagit, Snohomish and Whatcom Counties); and
- Have a physical or mental impairment that is preventing you from looking for, getting, or keeping a job.
VR Process
A meeting with a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) and completing an application is the first step in receiving services from North Intertribal Rehabilitation Program (NIVRP).
Your VRC will work with you to document your eligibility for NIVRP.
The eligibility for NIVRP is based on:
if you have a disability interferes with your ability to get or keep a job;
if you are enrolled in a Federally Recognized Tribe, and;
if you live in Skagit, Snohomish or Whatcom Counties
Documenting your disability could take up to 60 days. This is because we must request medical and other disability records from providers. If we are not able to receive your information from these providers within those 60 days, we must request you sign an eligibility extension.
When it is determined that you are eligible for services from NIVRP, your VRC will work with you to decide upon a Vocational Goal. All services provided by NIVRP will be focused on you reaching this goal. An Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) will document the steps necessary for you to attain this goal, and the services to be provided by NIVRP.
Your file can be successfully closed once you have maintained suitable and reasonable employment for 90 days.
Post Employment Services may be available should you need assistance to stay employed, return to work or advance your employment after your file has been closed.
CAP Information
The Client Assistance Program (CAP) is an independently funded program designed to assist applicants and participants of vocational rehabilitation programs.
CAP is an advocacy service which provides the following:
Information about the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), the Department of Services for the Blind (DSB), Projects with Industry (PWI) and Independent Living Program (ILP’s)
Information about your rights and responsibilities as an applicant or client of these rehabilitation agencies.
Help solving problems through mediation and negotiation.
Information on The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Individualized advocacy services including assistance with administrative proceedings.
CAP can be contacted at:
1-800-544-2121 (VOICE),
1-888-721-6072 (TTY)
2531 Raniner Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98144
Employee List

Eugena Brockhaus,
VR Counselor
Eugena is the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for the Stillaguamish and Swinomish Tribal Sites.

Tammy Cooper-Woodrich,
VR Counselor
Tammy is the VR Counselor for Nooksack and Bellingham.

Sandy Gotts,
VR Counselor
Sandy is the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for the Tulalip Tribe and Nooksack: Mt. Vernon Sites.

Brooke Johnson,
Administrative Assistant
Brooke Johnson, Administrative Assistant.

Jana Finkbonner,
Jana is the VR Counselor for Sauk Suiattle. She is located in the Bellingham office.
Related Links
Program Forms
Confidentiality Statement:
NIVRP will gather information about you that is necessary to determine my eligibility for vocational services. The information gathered will be kept confidential (in accordance with 34 CFR 361.49) and will be released only with the client’s consent and as necessary to achieve rehabilitation.
Contact Info
If you have any questions about the Stillaguamish Tribe's North Intertribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program, please contact us using the Contact Form for North Intertribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program to the right.
Stillaguamish Tribe North Intertribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Phone: (360) 671-7626
Fax: (360) 733-3061
Physical Address:
Contact Form for North Intertribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program