Indian Child Welfare (t̓ix̌dxʷ bədbədaʔ)
Updated 5/4/2022
Our children are the most precious resource we have. Their protection and security is paramount. The Indian Child Welfare Act gives the Stillaguamish Tribal government a stronger voice concerning any child custody proceedings that involve our children. Our goal is to ensure that we place our children with a Stillaguamish family.

Call this toll-free number if you suspect that a child of vulnerable adult is being abused or neglected. The operator will connect you with the right DSHS office to make your report.

Contact Info
If you have any questions for the Stillaguamish Tribe's Indian Child Welfare, please use the Contact Form for Indian Child Welfare to the right.
Stillaguamish Tribe Indian Child Welfare
Phone: (360) 572-3565
Fax: (360) 435-7824
Mailing Address:
Stillaguamish Tribe Indian Child Welfare
P.O. Box 3782
Physical Address:
24322 Di-Out-Sa
Arlington, WA 98223
Contact Form for Indian Child Welfare